Wednesday, January 27, 2010

You Can Still Date

Over the last couple of days I've been thinking about how not much really changes after you get married to your significant other. In my case (contrary to popular society - not knocking it! Just that abstaining made our relationship even more true), the physical changed. Now I can see him every day. Before, I only got to see him maybe a couple hours a week because both of us were working and I had school. We lived on opposite ends of the Earth (me on the Southeast side of town and him in Marana).

We haven't really gone out - gone out like for dinner or something, but he told me this morning that there's no problem if I wanted to really focus on homework over the weekends.

"We could have...a study date," Louis said. I smiled because it reminded me of the only times I could spend all day with him before we got married. And it's cute, too, because I hadn't really thought about it - the fact we haven't been on a date since getting married. I don't mind at all since I'm still see him as often as humanly possible, it's just a different level.

Only a couple years ago, I couldn't wait for the weekends when I could either go out with the girls or curl up on the couch with a good movie. Of course, time with the girls usually took precedence. After my fourth year of college and all my friends moved away I started to feel real old. We're talking old lady - doesn't stay up passed 10 o'clock and is falling asleep on the couch by 9 anyway.

But now I feel like it's a right of passage.

My brother came to visit our house (my new house) on his way back to Flagstaff for school. He told me that when I walked in the door of my mom's house after Louis and I got married, I was different. He said there was a glow around me, like there'd been some sort of transformation. I kind of laughed it off, but I guess it just starts to come back full circle as I start to think of my "moments of being," like we'd talked about in Tuesday's English lecture. We'll talk about those more in my next post.

I guess what I'm trying to say is the fact that my husband brought up the idea of still having our little "study dates" was another moment of being. It was a realization that was there the whole time I just hadn't had my "aha" moment yet.

None the less, don't let your wife/husband tell you you can't date :) (just not anyone else!) :)

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