Thursday, April 22, 2010

All Over Again Again

But this time there was a better outcome!!  In honor of Louis and I trying to lose weight, I've been looking through recipes in a South Beach Diet Cookbook that Louis borrowed from his mom's house a while ago.
I found one titled " Grilled Raspberry Chicken" but instantly felt uneasy about it.

If you've read the first blog of my cooking experience you understand that I can't pull stuff out of nowhere. Especially since my cooking involved a marinade of wine and garlic powder - more specifically lambrusco red wine and it's a sweet wine which in turn = some nasty, tough steak bites. (I shudder to force my taste buds to remember the flavor)

Even with my fear I moved on and decided I'd try again since this was an actual recipe and not me pretending to be a genius. So I pulled my hair back, since this meant business, and began working culinary magic (not really, but I feel that way when stuff actually turns out-be it off the grill or coming out of a box!).

The recipe asked for a wine vinegar, but since I didn't have any I used some apple cider vinegar I had and hadn't had a chance to use it yet. Then I put in a different red wine, Shyraz that my parents passed off to us from the left overs they had at their after-party the night of the wedding, some Worcestershire sauce, pepper, minced cloves of garlic, and some other ingredients. It smelled scrumptious so I hoped it tasted just as good. Luis started the grill and I oiled it with some extra virgin olive oil (looooooooove that stuff!) so the chicken wouldn't stick so bad.

Next up I loaded a pot with some brown rice and water and put it to boil.

After half an hour, my meal didn't look so bad! I had my parents on Skype just before the food was done and told them about what I was trying to make. Dad joked, "We'll be there in an hour."

At the end of the day, the chicken was AMAZING!! I was so proud of myself! I may be a culinary genius after all! Or just a really good follower of directions...I'm thinking that's probably it.

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